Construction of a simple pipeline to run BLAST jobs


This is a simple example to illustrate the convenience Ruffus brings to simple tasks in bioinformatics.

  1. Split a problem into multiple fragments that can be
  2. Run in parallel giving partial solutions that can be
  3. Recombined into the complete solution.

The example code runs a ncbi blast search for four sequences against the human refseq protein sequence database.

  1. Split each of the four sequences into a separate file.
  2. Run in parallel Blastall on each sequence file
  3. Recombine the BLAST results by simple concatenation.

In real life,

  • BLAST already provides support for multiprocessing
  • Sequence files would be split in much larger chunks, with many sequences
  • The jobs would be submitted to large computational farms (in our case, using the SunGrid Engine).
  • The High Scoring Pairs (HSPs) would be parsed / filtered / stored in your own formats.


This bioinformatics example is intended to showcase some of the features of Ruffus.

  1. See the manual to learn about the various features in Ruffus.


1. Ruffus

To install Ruffus on most systems with python installed:

easy_install -U ruffus

Otherwise, download Ruffus and run:

tar -xvzf ruffus-xxx.tar.gz
cd ruffus-xxx
./setup install

where xxx is the latest Ruffus version.


This example assumes that the BLAST blastall and formatdb executables are installed and on the search path. Otherwise download from here.

3. human refseq sequence database

We also need to download the human refseq sequence file and format the ncbi database:

gunzip human.protein.faa.gz

formatdb -i human.protein.faa

4. test sequences

Query sequences in FASTA format can be found in original.fa


The code for this example can be found here and pasted into the python command shell.

Step 1. Splitting up the query sequences

We want each of our sequences in the query file original.fa to be placed in a separate files named XXX.segment where XXX = 1 -> the number of sequences.

current_file_index = 0
for line in open("original.fa"):
    # start a new file for each accession line
    if line[0] == '>':
        current_file_index += 1
        current_file = open("%d.segment" % current_file_index, "w")

To use this in a pipeline, we only need to wrap this in a function, “decorated” with the Ruffus keyword @split:

This indicates that we are splitting up the input file original.fa into however many *.segment files as it takes.
The pipelined function itself takes two arguments, for the input and output.

We shall see later this simple @split decorator already gives all the benefits of:

  • Dependency checking
  • Flowchart printing

Step 2. Run BLAST jobs in parallel

Assuming that blast is already installed, sequence matches can be found with this python code:

os.system("blastall -p blastp -d human.protein.faa -i 1.segment > 1.blastResult")

To pipeline this, we need to simply wrap in a function, decorated with the Ruffus keyword @transform.


This indicates that we are taking all the output files from the previous splitFasta operation (*.segment) and @transform-ing each to a new file with the .blastResult suffix. Each of these transformation operations can run in parallel if specified.

Step 3. Combining BLAST results

The following python code will concatenate the results together
output_file = open("final.blast_results",  "w")
for i in glob("*.blastResults"):

To pipeline this, we need again to decorate with the Ruffus keyword @merge.


This indicates that we are taking all the output files from the previous runBlast operation (*.blastResults) and @merge-ing them to the new file final.blast_results.

Step 4. Running the pipeline

We can run the completed pipeline using a maximum of 4 parallel processes by calling pipeline_run :

pipeline_run([combineBlastResults], verbose = 2, multiprocess = 4)

Though we have only asked Ruffus to run combineBlastResults, it traces all the dependencies of this task and runs all the necessary parts of the pipeline.


The full code for this example can be found here suitable for pasting into the python command shell.

The verbose parameter causes the following output to be printed to stderr as the pipeline runs:

>>> pipeline_run([combineBlastResults], verbose = 2, multiprocess = 4)
    Job = [original.fa -> *.segment] completed
Completed Task = splitFasta
    Job = [1.segment -> 1.blastResult] completed
    Job = [3.segment -> 3.blastResult] completed
    Job = [2.segment -> 2.blastResult] completed
    Job = [4.segment -> 4.blastResult] completed
Completed Task = runBlast
    Job = [[1.blastResult, 2.blastResult, 3.blastResult, 4.blastResult] -> final.blast_results] completed
Completed Task = combineBlastResults

Step 5. Testing dependencies

If we invoked pipeline_run again, nothing further would happen because the pipeline is now up-to-date. But what if the pipeline had not run to completion?

We can simulate the failure of one of the blastall jobs by deleting its results:


Let us use the pipeline_printout function to print out the dependencies of the pipeline at a high verbose level which will show both complete and incomplete jobs:

>>> import sys
>>> pipeline_printout(sys.stdout, [combineBlastResults], verbose = 4)

Tasks which are up-to-date:

Task = splitFasta
    "Split sequence file into as many fragments as appropriate depending on the size of

Tasks which will be run:

Task = runBlast
    "Run blast"
       Job = [4.segment
         Job needs update: Missing file 4.blastResult

Task = combineBlastResults
    "Combine blast results"
       Job = [[1.blastResult, 2.blastResult, 3.blastResult, 4.blastResult]
         Job needs update: Missing file 4.blastResult


Only the parts of the pipeline which involve the missing BLAST result will be rerun. We can confirm this by invoking the pipeline.

>>> pipeline_run([combineBlastResults], verbose = 2, multiprocess = 4)

    Job = [1.segment -> 1.blastResult] unnecessary: already up to date
    Job = [2.segment -> 2.blastResult] unnecessary: already up to date
    Job = [3.segment -> 3.blastResult] unnecessary: already up to date
    Job = [4.segment -> 4.blastResult] completed
Completed Task = runBlast
    Job = [[1.blastResult, 2.blastResult, 3.blastResult, 4.blastResult] -> final.blast_results] completed
Completed Task = combineBlastResults

What is next?

In the next (short) part, we shall add some standard (boilerplate) code to turn this BLAST pipeline into a (slightly more) useful python program.